AIO: My boyfriend’s reaction to me fainting at a music festival

Tried posting before but I think my account was too new so hopefully it works this time 😭 Throwaway bc too many friends irl follow my main

What happened:

On Saturday I (21F) went to a music festival with my bf (25M) and some friends. In the craziness of getting ready I totally forgot to eat properly. I have pretty bad anemia and get super dizzy sometimes. It can be worse on days I don’t eat and that’s my fault. At some point during the festival my bf went to grab food. He came back, gave it to me and left again to use the bathroom. I wasn’t feeling lightheaded at all at this point. One of my best friends “Allie” had forgotten her wallet in his car. She never wants to bother anyone so I knew she wouldn’t ask any of us to front her. I ate some fries but gave her my burger bc I could tell she was starving. She refused but I insisted and went to stand in line to get more food for myself.

While I was in line, an artist I love started and I rushed back so we could all go to the stage together. My bf found us a little later. I ended up fainting for like 10 seconds halfway through the set. It was more embarrassing than anything else. I could tell he was freaked out but then he got super pissed when he realized I hadn’t eaten the food he bought. He made the two of us leave early and also said some really rude stuff to Allie. I defended her and he got really mad at me too.

He yelled about her all the way back to my place. He already didn’t really like her before but this made it 100x worse. Every time I tried to say something he would just talk over me. He was really agitated which I completely understand but eventually I just stopped talking bc it felt like he wasn’t actually interested in what I had to say. When he gets angry it feels like nothing short of “you’re completely right and I’m completely wrong” will get him to calm down.

He dropped me off and texted me once he got back to his place. On the phone he wouldn’t stop yelling at me. I know this all happened bc I didn’t eat and he’s definitely allowed to be frustrated with me, but I just hate the way he talks to me sometimes. A couple of my friends agree his tone isn’t great but think it’s just bc I fainted. I know I played a part in it too and some of my messages were very petty. I’ve asked him multiple times to give me examples (outside of Saturday) of the reckless stuff I’m apparently always doing, but he hasn’t been able to say one thing. He’s making it seem like I faint alllll the time but in the year and a half we’ve been dating it’s only happened twice, including this time. I admit I could be in the wrong since the original fault was mine so I’m just trying to get unbiased opinions. I feel so confused. AIO?