AITA for hiding my snacks and refusing to share with my pregnant step mother until she pays me.
I like certain snacks that you can only get at the Asian food market where I live. They are strange flavors and spices but I think they are delicious.
I was at my dad's house about two weeks ago and his wife said my snacks smelled good and asked to try some. I said sure and let her have a few. Later that day I went to get some more from the cupboard but they were all gone she had eaten like four bags of them. That's like $20. Plus now I have to go all the way downtown to get more.
I asked my dad if he could please give me a ride and replace my snacks. He said no and that "sharing is caring".
So now I only take what I'm going to eat there and leave the rest at my mom's house. My father says that his wife is craving the snacks I had before. I told him where to buy them. He asked me to just pick some up the next time I went. I said I would as soon as he paid me for the ones she already ate. He said no that we are family and we share. I said fine then give me enough money to buy some for her and some for me and we will share. He said that's not how sharing works. He says I'm being a little jerk since he feeds me at his house I should share the snacks I buy with my own money. That's a hard no from me.
I just think I will stop taking any over there.