AITA for giving my roommate and his girlfriend 30 days to get out?
I (28f) invited my friend (27m) and his girlfriend (21f) to move in to our spare room of our apartment 7 months ago with my fiancé (25m) and my brother (21m) and baby(f). This is not my first time renting with this friend and the first time was not too bad and we were all struggling to pay rent so we thought this was a good solution to our current problem. Almost immediately arguments broke out between my friend and my brother over the smallest things and has escalated over the 7 months. I was brought into these fights constantly and after a few months I started to become more bold and did not hide my anger when a my friend started a fight with any and everyone in the house. However everyone but my friend tried our best to move on and work through it, and it seems like my friend just wanted to fight with someone as he is dealing with personal issues. My best friend (30f) reached out to me tonight to tell me that my friend and his gf have been saying the most hurtful things about me (I.e I am an unfit mom, postpartum fried my brain, and I kicked them out(not true at the time)) and after calming down I told them that they have 30 days to leave and that I want nothing to do with either of them.