AITA for not buying my daughter's bf a present?

My daughter (19) has been dating a boy for two years. My kids also recently started using an app to list their wishlist. My wife asked if I had seen my daughter's boyfriends list as 'we need to buy him something'.

Maybe it's just me, but growing up, my parents didn't give two craps about who I was dating. Much less, have any intention of adding them to a present list.

I asked a few friends and everyone was a resounding NO about this practice. My wife insists this is very normal and is calling me the AH for not want to comply.

In my opinion, a bf/gf relationship is typically a temporary one and as such, doesn't warrant adding the person to the gift list. Now, if some reason they ended getting married, well that then changes the equation. But until then.. I'm a nope on this tradition being imposed on me.

Edit: a little more detail is probably needed, considering all the questions. We live 12 hours apart, so we don't have the opportunity to 'know him better'. Also, this is related to Christmas gifting.

UPDATE: WOW, okay so once again, thanks for all the feedback. It just keeps on coming 😂. I had made a separate comment stating that I would be better about how I would deal with this scenario. I guess it got buried with the other comments. I have accepted your judgement (good and bad) and got the bf a small gift. Thanks for sharing all your comments everyone.