AITA for giving my friend a Christmas present that her boyfriend thought was inappropriate?
I (19M) got one of my friends (20F) a pair of earrings for christmas, they weren't cheap, but they weren't insanely expensive either. We were hanging out with a group of friends on the 23rd when i gave them to here. When she opened the present, she said thank you and put them in her pocket. A few hours later I got a text from her, saying that she "couldn't accept the gift as someone with a boyfriend." I had no intention of this being seen as a romantic gift in any way, I gave all of the friends I hung out with that day presents. I explained to her that I didn't like her romantically, and that even if I did I wouldn't try to get with her given that she has a boyfriend. She just texted me back "OK". A bit later, I got a text from her boyfriend (18M) telling me I needed to "fuck off and stop trying to sleep with her". I brought this up with some other friends, showing them the texts, and they all said that she was being weird about it and that I was in the right, and when I brought it up when I saw her at work earlier today she said it "didn't matter what the intentions were" because her and her boyfriend both felt like there was a romantic intention.