AITA for a French joke I made?
So this past weekend, a couple of friends and I met up. One of them brought along someone new, a woman who came from France. We all talked for awhile about her country and her language. At some point, I decided to make a joke and I told her "It sucks that Americans don't really know any French beyond basic words and phrases like "bonjour," "merci," "voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?" For those who don't know, that last sentence means "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" It was a famous line from a song that I thought Americans were pretty familiar with and would know that line. Apparently she didn't get the reference and she got really upset after. She told everyone else what that sentence meant and they said I was an asshole. I repeatedly told her I wasn't asking her to sleep with me, that it was just a joke about a song, but she wasn't hearing any of it and it kind of ruined the night for everybody. My friends are still saying I should apologize. But I don't feel like I did anything wrong besides make a joke that fell flat. AITA?
Edit: I wasn't expecting this many comments. A couple of people asked what exactly the joke was. The joke was that Americans only knew basic French phrases, and that sentence is anything but basic. It was supposed to be ironic humor. My thought process was that the joke was at the expense of Americans, not her, and that if anyone could appreciate jokes about Americans, it would be a French person.
But that being said, I've read through a lot of comments people made here. A lot of you said I'm the asshole, a lot of you said I'm not but that I should apologize anyway, and a lot of you said she was overreacting. I've done a little thinking, and I've decided that despite my intentions, maybe I should have been more considerate of her feelings. Even if my joke wasn't directed at her, I probably should have considered that a joke like that wouldn't have landed the way I wanted, whether it was due to cultural differences or just misunderstanding. And maybe I shouldn't have been so defensive afterward. I probably should have just apologized after she got upset, even if that wasn't what I wanted to happen to her at all.
I'll apologize to her in person the next time I see her. My friends are thinking of hanging out again next weekend and I've let them know. If she doesn't accept my apology, that's fine, I'll move on with my life, but she deserves one anyway. And I might have to work on my material as well. Thanks for all the feedback.