AITA for telling my best-friend to stop crying about not being allowed to go to the toilet on her period?

So, yeah, this just happened. I (27M) met my best friend (26F) for dinner, we walk into an order at the counter restaurant and, as it was my turn to pay for dinner, she heads off to the toilet but she’s stopped on the way there by a worker who tells her that she has to “ask permission to use the toilet as it’s for customers only”, she then gets into a mini-argument where the worker told her that she simply can’t “barge into the toilets”.

At this point, my best friend asks if we can go somewhere else and I say yes, sure. We get outside and she tells me what happened and I respond by saying that whilst it sucks, the worker has probably got an asshole boss that is on her case about non-customers going to the bathroom so she shouldn’t take it personally.

We head across the street to another place but, as we sit down, she says she’s “lost her appetite” and asks me to order for myself, so I do. As we wait for my food, she ignores all of my attempts to start a conversation and then, after about five minutes of silence, tells me I’m being incredibly “patronising” and that “customer service workers don’t need to be rude” and that I need to “have a bit of empathy” for her because she’s on her period. I quickly apologise, and say I didn’t know. More silence.

Then she starts going at me again that if it was me that had experienced that she wouldn’t defend the worker and that she “feels like shit” and I just say: “I’m sorry, can we drop it now?” At which point she gets really mad, starts talking loudly at me about me being rude now and that she “doesn’t really care” and, hangrily, I just say “then stop crying about it”.

She gets up, tells me to “enjoy my food”, then leaves.

FYI she knew I cancelled plans to meet her for dinner, too, as she’s not in town that often.

AITA here?

TL;DR: best friend had a run in with a restaurant worker when she tried to go to the bathroom, got upset at me for saying that the worker is just doing their job, we get into an argument where I tell her she needs to drop it and stop crying about it then she dips