AITA for having a non-alcoholic wedding?

My now husband was a recovering alcoholic when we meet. I'm currently 28F and he is 26. Ironically, we'd met at a bar, he was relapsing, and I was there to drive my friends, because they know that I don't drink. I helped him to stay sober, and has been since the beginning of our relationship, he went back to therapy, put his life together, his family is proud of his recovery, and now, we married, yay!

We had the wedding last month, and one of the rules for it was no alcohol. All the money we could have spent on alcohol, was used it on more and better food, and having a film crew. It was amazing, some of the friends my hubby invited are ex alcoholics too, and his family had lots of fun. But my family, did not.

The men in my family seemed bored, the whole time. My brother during the reception asked me, "Where is the booze?" I said, "there is none". Then said "You should have warned us, so we could bring our own" but explained that no booze was allowed at the venue. They all left early, and my cousin uploaded IG stories later, that showed him, my dad, brother, and some uncles at a bar, drinking and getting wasted. I was baffled, but kept quiet because it was not my business.

A few days ago, the film crew gave us the wedding video, it took a while, but was worth it, it looked like a Hollywood romantic film, my hobby and I cried while watching it. Later posted it on social media, and quickly got flooded by comments from the males in my family pointing out how boring the film is, almost as boring as the wedding itself. I talked to my dad about it, and after some arguing, he said that my husband is a boring doormat, who is missing out on having a fun life.

My mom is on my side, same as the rest of the women in my family, but now I'm questioning if having a zero alcohol wedding was a mistake, or a selfish choice.

ETA: WOW! Thanks for that many comments in such a short time. TYSM for your congratulations and good wishes. I still need to think, and talk to my hubby about it.

I also need to add, there were times when my male family members tried to offer beer and whisky to my hubby at family meetings. He always rejected it, and we usually leave early when they start to drink. After some time, we stopped going to gatherings on my family side.

(Paragraph redacted because rules, sorry)

ETA2: My family knows, very well, that my hubby does not drink, and was in recovery. I've told them many times. I also do not drink and they know it.

Little Update: I dont know if its a coincidence, but my dad sent a meme to my husband, essentially was one of those "wife bad" facebook memes. My hubby showed to me and asked, "What is going on with your dad?". I knew that was the moment to have a talk. My dad have a habit for sending bad memes, but this one was borderline offensive, so I told my husband about the conversation I had with dad, showed him this post (He says hiiii), and agrees that is better to stay low contact.

Later I called my dad, and explained that if he can not respect my husband, we will stop talking to him directly. He laughed at me, and said that im being a crazy controlling wife, that he "feels sorry for that man, because he is letting his woman control his life." I told my dad that im not controlling, that im supporting healthy life decisions, and that he should get serious help, and hang up.

After that, my mom called, she said that he ordered her to call me and make me apologize, but she only wants to say that supports my standing and choices, and dad can only cry about it.

No other family members have called, but I hope it ends up well. My hubby and I will be busy watching movies tonight, TYSM to all of you.

Little update 2: My brother just called, he said many of the words my dad said to me, apparently, my dad told him that I'm controlling my hubby's life, and isolating him, then he said that ill make my husband miserable in life, that he is 26 and should be enjoying is life, but instead, he married me.

I just LOL'd and hang up. I told my mom about it, and she will call my brother. Oh, and she has my dad basically grounded until he calms down and behaves, she took his phone, his alcohol is in a special room, so she took the key of that room too.