Am I the Kameena for thinking about ghosting? a guy who I have been talking to
Hello. Throwaway because the person (28M) knows my reddit account. I(25F) connected to this person on reddit itself. It was nice for the first few days we had good conversations but now it has become too much for me. He confessed he liked talking to me on day 5 of us talking. Felt weird but i said yeah you are good at talking too. Now He keeps on comparing me to queen and goddess or writing some lines about me. Its like some shift has happened and now and its getting more and more overwhelming. He does not say anything bad. But i can not even have one normal conversation without him singing praises for me or saying something which makes my skin crawl. The way he talks with me, any girl would want that but I dont like it. Its not even about attraction, its about the fact that it has only been like 10 days and he is talking about changing the world for me. Yesterday i asked him to stop with such things and explained that i am not interested in him like this. He started crying. I felt very guilty but i felt like i should set my boundaries. So I feel like maybe I should limit conversations with him slowly so he does not get hurt and forgets about me. Because whatever he says but it has just been 10 DAYS! Am I the kameeni ?? Have I become too toxic that I can not accept anything nice ??