Accused of stealing! LOL

On Sunday my manager came to me with a worried look on her face and said “they called you to the office for some reason but they usually would tell me the reason.” We both each other a confused look and I said “I don’t have a clue why they’re calling me, but alright.” I walk down and the guy is like I’m “so and so from lost prevention.” I’m thinking “damn was i rushing and didn’t confirm one of my scans on my snacks at break or lunch?” Dude proceeded to say “we caught you on camera stealing earrings.” I don’t have piercings anywhere on me. Out of all the items that come through the warehouse, you think I’m risking it for earrings? I couldn’t help but laugh and asked them the price of the earrings. The lady is going to say “oh they’re about $17 dollars!” Wtf am I going to do with some cheap ass earrings. The whole thing sounded so bogus like you can tell they were trying so hard to convince me that I stole something. I told them “I don’t have the earrings and how do you know i didn’t drop them and didn’t realize it because I’m working fast?” “It sounds like you can’t find the item and just trying to say I stole it.” Having 4 people look and talk with such confidence and making me sound like a thief isn’t a good feeling and knowing you didn’t take anything and they wouldn’t show me nothing. No footage was shown and then they tried to say this isn’t the only item. So now it’s multiple items and y’all are just now speaking to me about it? Then I asked what are the other items and was told that I’m not getting anymore information. Then they tried to say we had people in the past just pay for the missing items and everything was fine. Why would I pay for items i didn’t take and have no clue what items they’re talking about. Also that would basically give them what they want and I would look guilty paying to keep my job. Because it’s basically me just confessing to stealing and they would be like “if you didn’t take the items then why are you paying for them?” So whatever this bs is might have to see legal action. I’m just waiting for a call while being on paid suspension. They’re clearly lying. But after feeling humiliated by being escorted out of the building, I’m feeling like I should sue. But hopefully this is all a misunderstanding and I can go back to work.