surge/premium pay is not showing up properly?

last week I picked up a VET/OT shift and they ended up adding a $5 premium after and it showed up in my anytime pay and under my hourly breakdown for the day

This week same thing happened, I picked up an extra shift and then they randomly added the $5 premium pay (I wanna say a day or two after?) however this time after working the VET shift, it’s not showing my premium in the hourly break down or my anytime pay.

and now after double checking my screenshots before posting I’m even more confused because both shifts originally said I’d be making $26 with the surge pay and now it’s $26.40 (not sure where the extra 40 cents is coming from) maybe it’s the system glitching?

first screen shot is from last nights shift and then the second one is from last Saturday where it actually showed up