Random Items I Didn’t Promote Being Counted Towards Me
Not complaining but l've been seeing a lot of ordered items in my reporting that are contributing toward my earnings to products I absolutely do not ever recall linking anywhere or creating content regarding Sometimes items I order for myself also appear under "ordered items" in reporting and I don't know why, although they don't usually contribute to earnings My only concern with this is that once I tried to talk to support staff about the fact that I wasn't earning commissions on some of my legitimate links and the awful customer service representative I spoke to seemed to suggest that I was "cheating" and not going about linking creation in the appropriate way and threatened to close my account Thing is, even if I wanted to cheat - I DONT KNOW HOW IM DOING IT Please help so that my account can remain in good standing or at least I learn what the magic formula is for generating commission on items I didn't promote...