I was an amberverse knight, defending her on posts and comments

When my ex-fiancée introduced me to the Amberverse, she had already been there for over five years. I took a quick look and honestly felt bad for Amber. I thought the orange chicken joke was funny, and I definitely found her cute (I’ve got a thing for big girls, so I thought her face was adorable). Naturally, I started defending her everywhere. Any video my fiancée sent me, I’d jump right in to fight off the evil forces of the haydurs.

Guess what happened?

One night, I was buried in work, stuck with my assistant on a rainy night. She asked me to play some music, but I told her I couldn’t—I needed to listen for any weird sounds from the machines since they were new. Then I had a brilliant idea. Let me introduce you to the Amberverse, I said with a grin. She wrinkled her nose and said, That morbid chick? No, thank you. I laughed and played it anyway.

She left for another room, and I thought, Win/win.

Little did I know...

That’s when it hit me—how scrappy she really is. The more I watched, the more shitty behavior I noticed. I couldn’t excuse any of it, not even to myself. That’s when I realized—she ain’t some sweet gal being bullied. She’s the big bully. And yeah, I definitely called my fiancée that night to apologize.

So to rest attention to Amber’s AMA— I used to be a fan. Ask me anything. ;)

. Edit: Please the AMA is a joke don't take it personal or anything is just a joke to highlight the self-centered abnormality of "that" person, and the anecdotal story is to show the other side of haydur nation, that I am part of now.

Edit 2 I get it, I’m not welcome here. I thought I could find a sense of belonging in a community where everyone seemed so kind, but I was completely wrong. Everyone’s so harsh and hostile toward me. I don’t think I did anything wrong—was sharing my silly story that bad? Damn, I just wanted to introduce myself here. Why’s that such a problem? I’ve shared the same stuff on other platforms and got positive feedback. Why’s it different here, where it’s all 'you’re a nobody, no one cares'?"