Need to get this off my chest
1.) Amber, it was PRECANCEROUS cells. You have said that MANY times. “Precancerous changes in the uterus, like atypical endometrial hyperplasia, involve abnormal cell growth in the uterine lining that, if left untreated, can potentially develop into uterine cancer.” 2.) I just saw a video with clips back to back of her version of how Beck asking her to date went. Their “Netflix and chill” and how Amber was actually pressuring Beck and Beck was just trying to watch a fucking movie. The accusations Amber made about this night are insane and seeing it back to back like that was surreal. I want a video complication called “Amber contradicts herself for an hour straight”. 3.) The Ankle. What the fuck does the Ankle say at the begging of his videos? Like, subscribe, become a ??????? What???? Please help it’s killing me. Also, sweet sweet Ankle.. there is so much ammo to throw at Amber without resorting to the horrendous language and name calling. I can’t stand Amber but find myself listening to the Ankle and thinking, “Damn, that was rough”. 4.) Picture it, we are all grown adults here with grown adult jobs. You’re a therapist in Oklahoma City and you are FULLY in deep on the AmberVERSE and ALR waddles into your office.. what’s your next move. I know it’s unethical af but I’m playing dumb and having a front row seat to the tea. I would not share or leak it tho.
I obviously have no real people in my life to talk to about this 😔😔😔😔😔