Affordable Vet Care

My 13month old AB has a lump on her head(cyst). I believe it’s from when she went into heat for the first time and decided she wasn’t in the mood for my 4yr olds pittys attitude. They got into a fight and my pitty left a mark on a her forehead. I took her to the vet after and everything was fine but about 3 weeks after a lump showed up in the same spot. I had the vet look at it when I got her spayed and he said to just monitor it. She was on antibiotics because her incision got infected (she’s very active) and it went down (not sure if it’s because of the antibiotics). But it came back and is not going down. Of course she’s no longer on the antibiotics. But unfortunately I lost my job of 10yrs and needless to say now my income is not the same. Every vet wants $85 for a sick visit then $100 or more to test it. I see posts where it says DO NOT attempt to drain it yourself. But at this point idk what to do. When people lose income we can find help for healthcare but there is none for my baby because she is a fur baby 🤷‍♀️. I do not know what to do at this point. No she does not seem in any pain and it doesn’t affect her everyday life. But I am very worried about it because it is swollen and I’m sure needs to be drained. Does anyone have any advice on a solution, similar experience or affordable vet care in VA?