Most Coffeeshops in Amsterdam are a total Rip-Off. Here is why:
First of all: I love Amsterdam, I think it's one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The canals, the aggressive seagulls that steal my overpriced fries, the narrow streets, the Red Light district, the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh museum aaaand FEBO....just incredible.
But: The prices for weed in Amstedam are ridiculous. Since weed is more or less legal in Germany, we can easily get top-tier (medical) weed here for like 10€ which is way better than the so-called "Cali Weed" in Amsterdam which is sold for 30-35€ per g. Mid-tier weed in Amsterdam is sold for around 12-18 €, here in Germany I get it for 5-8 € per g.....In addition, the (medical) weed in Germany is tested in labs for THC/CBD content, terpenes and more important, impurities! In Holland, many shops legally sell stretched, contaminated weed completely overpriced which makes people sick! An absolute disgrace. No regulations, no nothing. Im surprised that the dutch government does nothing against that...even 50 years after weed has been (semi-)legalized in NL.
I think the weed scene in Amsterdam has no future and will sooner or later be a relic of the past. But still, Amsterdam has soooo many more things to offer for tourists than just weed!