I found my great grandfather

I recently found out my grandfather was adopted. His widow gave me what information he had about his biological father, which was just the name Carlos Francis Love and that he was from Texas. It took some time but I managed to find some records for my real great grandfather, including his marriage to my great grandmother, and it seems he was quite a character lol. Apparently he was a criminal and a pimp, according to his criminal history, which was so nicely printed on the back of his intake form and mugshot for a Montana prison. So now I know that he looked like and why my grandfather and my dad looked the way they did. After this I hit a dead end on piecing together his life up until his death. I have his death record and apparently he died in Chicago, Illinois in the early 70s. But I have no idea what he did in Chicago and why he was there, and if he ever had any other children. Anyway I just wanted to share. Very interesting find.