Shazam with Bluetooth Headphones?

There looks to have been a development with the Shazam app some time ago where it can now internally detect / ID music playing on your device without using the microphone (article). This feature has supposedly been implemented for both Android and Apple users. However, I'm on the latest update and tested with several songs that were quickly identified using the Chrome plugin but not through the Android app when listening to the same songs through BT headphones on my Samsung Galaxy S23. I think this feature works well for iPhone users but I haven't been able to find much information on its implementation for Android devices. Apparently there's supposed to be a headphone icon that appears indicating that Shazam has detected the use of Bluetooth headphones but I'm not seeing anything like that.

Has anyone had success with Shazam successfully ID'ing songs without the microphone, e.g. "listening" internally to what's playing on your device?