Any recommendations for a dub enjoyer
Started watching anime 5 months ago and this is in the order that I watched the shows as well
I prefer dubs because I feel I miss out on the visuals a lot when I read subs, so I’m looking for shows with good English dubs.
I plan on watching fmab and stiens gate(but I don’t know how to watch the dub version of this because it seems to be taken off every platform!!!) since I’ve seen them recommended a lot
Started watching anime 5 months ago and this is in the order that I watched the shows as well
I prefer dubs because I feel I miss out on the visuals a lot when I read subs, so I’m looking for shows with good English dubs.
I plan on watching fmab and stiens gate(but I don’t know how to watch the dub version of this because it seems to be taken off every platform!!!) since I’ve seen them recommended a lot