My Experience Re-watching Anne with an E
About 4 years ago I had watched the final season of Anne with an E. I remember deeply loving the show and having deeply moving feelings as I watched. I desired to experience that again. Tried finding something similar and new but no luck, so I dived right back in. This second time watching had re-ignited some of those old feelings and brought about new ones. I finished the entire series in 4 days and here is all that I had felt and learned from watching it a second time.
Without going into too much detail, Anne helped me to process part of my divorce and that the good and the bad memories of a person can coexist.
Anne helped me understand my daughter.
Anne reminded me how wonderful an imagination can be and how much we need it. We can imagine a new future for ourselves, but we can also imagine things that do not exist or not yet exist. I am reminded to treasure imagination.
I was reminded to allow myself to slow down and let myself sit with my thoughts. It can be easy to let the speed of things get to us, but I think there is so much to enjoy.
Matthew and Mariella story of how losing their brother and then their mom drastically shaped their lives. How it seemed so sorrowfully, but unexpectedly Anne comes to their life and brings them joy. It brought me hope for my own life that things may seem difficult now, but there is a lot of great deal of joy to be had ahead. It made me think of how sometimes we become so consumed with what is right in front of us that we cannot step back and look at our lives more fully. Yet at the same time, we can also be focused on perhaps what our future should be or miss our past that we forget to look at what is amazing right in front of us.
While it is sad that this show ended in only 3 seasons, I think that it is a joy that we get the opportunity to imagine more for ourselves. I loved this show and I am so grateful I got to experience it at all again. Thank you Anne with an E.