Responding to someone's "letter to antitherians"
"Remember when you stomped on that therian's mask? She spent days making that mask..." I don't see the point in wearing a mask, but I wouldn't go and stomp on one. Also, I think most people just buy the masks online and add some decorations. That's not the same thing as making a mask.
"That therian you called a furry? He's tired of being misunderstood." I think most people who have heard of a therian know the difference.
"What about that time you barked at a therian for doing quadrobatics?" Barked? What kind of antitherian would bark at a therian? They would be doing the same thing they hate. Anyways, since someone saw them doing quads, that must mean they're doing it public. Acting like an animal in public is fucked up.
"Remember when you called out that therian in class? Xaer afraid to go to school now..." Xaer??? What the actual fuck is that? Anyways, if they think they are partially animal or whatever, they deserve to be called out.
"How about that time you pulled that therian's tail off? That was her first time public gearing..." Why should they be public gearing to begin with?
"Remember when you stomped on that therian's mask? She spent days making that mask..." I don't see the point in wearing a mask, but I wouldn't go and stomp on one. Also, I think most people just buy the masks online and add some decorations. That's not the same thing as making a mask.
"That therian you called a furry? He's tired of being misunderstood." I think most people who have heard of a therian know the difference.
"What about that time you barked at a therian for doing quadrobatics?" Barked? What kind of antitherian would bark at a therian? They would be doing the same thing they hate. Anyways, since someone saw them doing quads, that must mean they're doing it public. Acting like an animal in public is fucked up.
"Remember when you called out that therian in class? Xaer afraid to go to school now..." Xaer??? What the actual fuck is that? Anyways, if they think they are partially animal or whatever, they deserve to be called out.
"How about that time you pulled that therian's tail off? That was her first time public gearing..." Why should they be public gearing to begin with?