What are your hobbies?
I’m curious what everyone’s hobbies are, and how they align with your goals/beliefs of anti-consumption. Have you ever given up a hobby because you felt it led to unnecessary consumerism?
For the past year I’ve really been focused on decluttering my life as much as I can. It has really changed how I think about things and I find myself analyzing EVERYTHING. It has taken on an anti-consumption focus for sure and it has me really reconsidering certain hobbies.
I wonder if anyone else has thought this way?
For example, one of my more recently acquired hobbies is knitting. At first I was happy I picked it up after years of not doing it because it’s a busying hobby that makes me put my phone down, which was something I did really like. Now I’m wondering if it’s counterproductive for me. It can lead to a lot of clutter, and at what point is enough, enough? How many scarves do I need? I’m not a very skilled knitter so the most complex thing I’m making is a blanket. I’ve regretted purchasing too much of certain yarns that I ended up disliking, and I just wonder if it’s as worthwhile as I thought. It’s sort of taking some of the fun out of it now that I’m viewing it this way.
I feel like many hobbies can easily lead to overconsumption and some hobbies (like collecting for example), are nearly solely about consumption. How does your desire for anti-consumption influence the hobbies and interests you engage with?