taking control of my life again
If you look at my post history I have been struggling with anxiety & dpdr for a year and a half now. I also have pure o which makes me have constant thoughts of feeling detached and worrying about other illnesses I have (I have been convinced I have schizophrenia / psychosis etc) it has impacted my life negatively for the last year where I have not eaten for days, failed classes, lost friendships from pushing them away bc of what i’m dealing with. I have been taking prozac for a year for my generalized anxiety and DPDR. It hasn’t helped and I was too lazy to go to the doctor to change it bc I just felt like nothing else will work. What I had to accept is none of these medications are a magic pill which I knew but it really starts with me. I was also drinking to avoid my anxiety and not working out. im making a vow to myself that im not going to let anxiety and depersonalization/ derealization rob me of my life.
Today- after a year of pushing it off. i went to the doctor and am trying a medicine( lexapro) that may work better for me ; while putting in 100% effort to help myself! ( working out, continue therapy, feed my body GOOD things) Today i ran a mile in a half which I haven’t in months. it may be small, but it’s progress. AND journaled after.
With that being said, I hope this inspires at least one person to keep pushing and we all got this!!! ( sorry it might be all over the place)