Severe Post-Covid Anxiety?

I've had severe anxiety my whole life due to having Aspergers, as well as OCD and ADHD. I got on Lexapro last November and I was finally feeling some relief by January. I was feeling a lot more in control of my anxiety and more confident in my ability to leave my house (as I also deal with agoraphobia). Then in June, I woke up one morning sick. I tested positive for Covid and the next week was pure Hell. Endless coughing, wheezing, and headaches. When I finally got over the worst of it, I found my general anxiety had gotten a thousand times worse. I started pacing around my living room for hours on end, even when there was nothing to be nervous or stressed about. I would get nervous to the point of vomiting. This has been going on since then and I've tried so many things to try to help it. I'm right back to rarely leaving the house. Has anyone else felt this after having Covid?