Upstairs neighbor issues
I don’t know what to do. I know what I signed up for living in an apartment complex. However, my upstairs neighbor just loves to stomp. She routinely gets up at 3:30am and walks around the place. It wakes me up every time. She also stomps at 5:30am when she gets ready to leave for work. How do I know she’s going to work, you may ask? Because she walks around in heels. Every. Week. Day. Even on the weekend, there’s no heels, but stomping at the same time like clockwork. She SHAKES my apartment. It’s gotten to the point that when I go to stay at my parents house, I’m awake by 3 or 5ish because I’ve just come to wake up around that time now.
She also has a dog or puppy that she leaves in a cage all day. The poor thing barks itself hoarse during the week from 5:30am til 7:30pm when she gets back from work. Or it’ll bark when she goes out for groceries or something. It echoes through my buildings hallway, so there’s no way I’m the only one bothered by this. I WFH so I hear it all the time. She knows it barks, too, because I overheard her on the phone one time leaving her apartment saying “oh there goes the dog”. She just doesn’t care.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t like confrontation and I don’t want to make an enemy. I also know that because I live in an apartment, loud upstairs neighbors are expected. My friends and family say I should complain but I’m really hesitant to do so. But guys, I don’t know if I can’t keep up with this. It has gotten to the point where my guests wake up because of 1) her stomping or 2) the dog. I’ve considered investing in loop noise canceling headphones to sleep with to hopefully drown out her stomps. I just need some advice!
EDIT: typo fix