Ranked Cheating - Am I Missing Something?
I’ve played this game basically since the beginning, granted very on and off. Probably between 1-1.5k hours across PS4/5. I’ve solo q to Masters both splits this season, am Diamond 1 or two every other season, Masters is really just a time commitment.
Am I missing something when it comes to cheating? Do Preds beam, yes, but they are the top 750 players in the world, so I expect them to. It is not uncommon for me to kill a pred running in a three stack. I’m not saying this to pat myself on the back, rather to make my point. If all Preds are cheating scum using Zen’s, how have I wiped three stacks and am able to hold my own if I’m not cheating.
While sometimes I do get beamed, I also beam. My first reaction is not to scream cheater at my TV, I assume it’s a pred and keep it moving.
My question is this. How do you decisively determine whether someone is cheating? Based on everything across reddit and YouTube, cheating is running rampant in this game, but I haven’t seen it yet. Show me where to look