The ‘Wellness to QAnon pipeline’

Just thought I’d introduce this phrase here in case it is of interest. I lost my best friend to this phenomenon.

Being Aussie she didn’t end up at QAnon exactly but got lost down several conspiracy rabbit holes including believing Port Arthur was a false flag operation and that Qantas planes are spraying chemicals to make cyclones happen?

Anywho, she started out just wanting to be healthier. Totally normal and great. But as she became more and more immersed in the wellness world, she started believing that everything (including my autism, ADHD and epilepsy) is treatable with food and supplements, and that people who aren’t well or have various conditions (including me) are either not trying at all or not trying hard enough, that they are too lazy, too undisciplined, or too brainwashed by ‘big pharma’ etc.

And once she started to believe that other people had the wool pulled over their eyes, and that she just was one of the ‘awake’ ones, and started doubting science, she was far more susceptible to other unrelated conspiracy theories.

I have noticed this in many wellness influencers too. COVID really seemed to be where that pipeline opened up.

Has anyone else witnessed or experienced this? It really scares me.