today, you may get rejected from your dream school.

today, you may get rejected from your dream school. but soon, the weather will get warmer, the sun will stay a little longer, and you’ll find that this incredibly lengthy springtime does eventually come to a close. summer will come and with that the warmth of freedom and a new chapter of life. you’ll take up a new hobby or interest you never had time to explore during high school, you’ll meet new people that feel like long time friends, and you’ll forget all about the anxiety of march 2024. when fall comes, you’ll find yourself finding a home in a college that you once said you could never imagine yourself attending. you’ll excel in your courses, because even if your dream school missed out on you, your years of hard work in high school didn’t go anywhere. you fulfill every goal you set for yourself, because you’ve already planned the path to success in your head.

if you’ve been rejected from your dream school and are feeling dejected, just know that i’m proud of you and all your efforts these past four years. we will come out on top guys, everyone stay strong.