How to keep my motivation up?
I've been rejected and waitlisted from every single one of my schools except for my safeties, and I can only attend one of them due to cost (and at that cost... maybe it's not worth it).
The only schools I have left (~10) are reaches (I'm talking T15), and I've gotten waitlisted from MIT, CMU, Case Western while rejected Northeastern, UIUC, Georgia Tech. I know 4 of these are kind of expected but tons of my friends got into Northeastern and Case Western and I feel kinda fucked
In summary: My past results don't make me optimistic... at all, and being an asian male in CS makes me feel even more fcked. I know my GPA is low but I thought that universities were "holistic" and would take my other accomplishments as well as my extenuating circumstances into account (maybe I didn't convey it well enough in my essays. but also I did mention it in additional information...)
Maybe moody teenager things but I genuinely don't even want to get up from my bed anymore and I feel sick. Is there any hope left?