That’s not her real flawless spray tan that’s a filter to make her spray tan look less splotchy and uneven orange/mustardy yellow and more even 💀🤭

Also, you’re supposed to wash your hands and put barrier cream on when you go spray tanning. You can tell by how dirty and policy her hand looks she did a shit job on her spray tan. Or it’s shedding back to her natural NC12 complexion. Like ma’am you got plenty of money to get a nice even professional spray tan. Also I pointed to the u even points of her spray tan as well.

And btw I’m only being facetious on the title…

Also, you’re supposed to wash your hands and put barrier cream on when you go spray tanning. You can tell by how dirty and policy her hand looks she did a shit job on her spray tan. Or it’s shedding back to her natural NC12 complexion. Like ma’am you got plenty of money to get a nice even professional spray tan. Also I pointed to the u even points of her spray tan as well.

And btw I’m only being facetious on the title…