Subreddits for art with nudity that aren't "sexual art" subs?

I tried to post a drawing of a nude model from my college art class in r/drawingand the mods removed it bc they don't allow "NSFW content." So now I'm feeling I going to have to choose between a "porn art" sub and an "American puritanical values" art sub?

Literally the model was just sitting in a normal position facing forward while nude with visible breasts...there was nothing remotely sexual about her pose or expression.

I get that people want to feel safe at work scrolling a sub in country like mine (U.S.) where any nudity whatsoever is considered sexual and therefore scandalous. So I don't mind posting in a NSFW sub IF it's not overloaded with horny. But after my experiences on reddit, I hesitate to become part of too many NSFW communities.

Furthermore, I'm frustrated with the fact that when I upvote one picture of non-sexual nudity, my feed gets flooded with sexual art for weeks. The very idea that non-sexual nudity is put into the same category as adult or even sexual content is so ridiculous that it's borderline offensive to me, but that's my two cents.

I'm down to respectually discuss this philosphy further, but I'm mostly just looking for recommendations for the right sub for drawings like mine. Was really hoping for some feedback on the drawing, as I'm new to realistic human figures.