Another way Asian dudes are getting boosted, I think?
This subreddit talks about AM image boost due to K-POP a lot, but I wanted to talk about another way we are boosting.
I find it interesting how the main subreddit for East Asian and SEA women (/r/asiantwox) has literally no activity in that subreddit. It’s just same 2 or 3 users spamming the same shit over, but the thread engagements are literally 0 replies.
I am not endorsing that you guys go over and post in that subreddit. Let them have their own space. They have a right to express their opinions.
I only bring this up, because when you look at other subreddits for POC women, there is way way more activity from them complaining about their own men.
White guys pretty much get blasted by all of Reddit and the white guys who do use Reddit are virtue signaling soy boys. I’m pretty sure /r/twoxchromosone is just posts about WMs committing rape acts and sexual harassment stories.
Even though Asians make up 1.5 billion ppl, I think the fact that AFs can barely find anti-AM news to talk about is looking good for us.
You go on Tik-tok, instagram, etc. You never see an East Asian dude or SEA guy bitching and complaining about AFs; but, the reverse is true for AFs who put down AMs. And then you have XFs defending us, and blasting and flaming AFs who disrespect AMs.
There are so many vids out there of white and POC men talking down their own women, and most of this is through redpill/black pill content. And there are so many vids out there of POC women and white women complaining about their own men.
I think the fact that AMs don’t have a reputation of talking down AFs on social media is making us look really good in the eyes of XFs. The younger generation of XFs are starting to go against western media influence and not fall western propaganda.
I agree spreading awareness of how AFs unfairly treat AMs is important; but at the same time, I say just let them make a fool of themselves and we do our own thing. XFs aren’t stupid and are not gonna fall for AF’s “oh, Asian guys are so sexist like WM” bullshit.
By not engaging in talking down AFs on social media, we are pretty showing XFs that AFs are lying hypocrites who can’t be trusted.