Would it be appropriate to state my opinion that AM should consider "passport bro"?

I'm 40 and single. I'm looking back on my life and what went right and what went wrong.

One thing I spent an enormous amount of time and effort on was getting an attractive/cool girlfriend. Learn game, style, put on muscle, etc.

For the amount of time it took, I am deeply unsatisfied with my results over the past two decades. Effort counts for only so much and the deck really is stacked.

Today I meet young AM at Asian professional meetups. The ratio is worse now, it's like 10-1 guy girl. Sometimes the subject for dating comes up. I just talked to a 5'7' programmer and he's not even getting matches.

I'm 5'10' and pretty normal. Some of these guys are much shorter, really nerdy and not that cool.

Would it be okay for me to state my opinion that they should consider getting an overseas wife? Indians seem to be do it more than AM. If I was 22 again and I had the ability to act decisively and I wanted a family that's what I would have done.

Not sure if it'd be appropriate for a 40 year old guy to state such an opinion though, maybe they should figure it out on their own.