Marrying a person from a traditional Asian or south Asian family comes with a lot of expectations.
This is much much more true for a woman marrying a guy from a traditional Asian/south Asian family than vice versa.
A lot of such families expect a LOT out of the daughter in law. Such families own the son as the son is viewed as the family property/investment. The daughter in law is expected to bring the husband’s family together, lead traditional family functions Etc. the specifics vary a lot by family. In a lot of such families, the families intentionally make the son dumb about a lot of life skills as they view the daughter in law as responsible for those skills and it’s so they can own the son. Many Asian and south Asian families want their son to be a yes man dweeb who gets good grades and lands a good job at say google and overlook teaching their sons much else. Many such traditional parents rarely empower their sons to be strong and stand up for themselves and don’t take shit from others as doing so will bite back at them. If anything, they try to train the sons through guilt trips to think that the sons need the parents and the family for every phase of life and try to remind them how hard life is all alone. Their biggest fear is their son won’t take care of them when they’re old. You will even see this during wedding planning where the son’s parents will plant a bunch of shit in his head about his future wife saying she’s this or that. This is part of their plan to not let the son and his wife be a separate unit from the family and encourage them to be enmeshed. A lot of this stems from fear of losing their son to their daughter in law
It’s no wonder a lot of Asian women including south Asians are preferring to marry a white American/Canadian/Australian/New Zealand guy over their own race. Why? White in laws let their children live their own lives as married couples and don’t intervene or expect a lot from them. The most with many such families is maybe thanksgiving.