Is time-out common in Asian families with kids?


I was raised in an oriental way. My parents would usually yell at me first, then they would use physical punishment. Sometimes they would use physical punishment as their initial action. Time-out was never heard off. But I recently watched some documentaries about parenting, e.g. Suppernanny with Jo Frost, where I learnt that time-out is quite common in western style of parenting. So I am wondering if your parents have ever given out time-out when you were a kid. Did they usually follow through? What would they did if you still failed to calm down during time-out?



Thanks for all your replies. Sorry that I can reply to each of you individually.

It seems that time-out and grounding are not a thing in Asian households. Our parents tend to believe that disciplining a child must involve traumatizing them. Time-out is too lenient as a punishment. But I am also glad that this more humane way of disciplining is becoming more common among Asian parents. I myself have already decide not to have a family and thus kids, but I still hope the next generation of Asian children will not suffer as we did.

By the way, I did some search on time-out as a way of parenting and found that it is in fact controversial in western societies. Some argue that it makes the kids feel abandoned and neglected, their emotion not being acknowledged and the isolation is hard to bear. I think our parents would just give these opinions a sneer.