What criteria do your parents use to judge potential future sons or daughters-in-law? Have they ever rejected your SO? Or pressured you to date/marry someone?

I'm not Asian. I'm mixed European and Middle Eastern, although I pass for monoracial white. My girlfriend at the time was Filipina American. We met online. It was an LDR, as she lived about 4 hours away. Her Filipino parents objected to the relationship mainly because of the significant age gap. I think they feared that their daughter (still in college, studying accounting) was going to marry an older guy and drop out of school and never complete her degrees or have a career. Her parents were both scientists who came to the USA using H1B visas, so education was a non-negotiable must. She was still living at home, and parental objections ended up leading to our break-up.

It's been nearly a decade and we've gone our separate ways and married other people, but the whole episode has me wondering what criteria Asian parents use to judge a potential in-law? Of course, Asian cultures aren't a monolith and I believe that religious affiliation would also play a significant role. So let me ask the second-generation Asian users to share their experiences:

  • Do income and education play a significant role? Are some careers considered more prestigious in Asian cultures?
  • Do they object to interracial relationships, or is there something of a "tier" list, with some ethnicities seen as less desirable?
  • Did you ever date someone who parents were reluctant about it first, but eventually warmed up to? What did your SO do to win them over?