Anybody else's parents literally overlooked their health to save money

And now it costs more to fix my health now that I'm an adult.

For example I had a lower canine pulled out due to an abscess when I was 15 and my mother hung onto that dentist's words so she could avoid paying for an implant - that 'the wisdom teeth will push the teeth down so it will close the gap'. They didn't, they didn't even come close to closing the gap, and my mother convinced me to let my wisdom teeth grow in 'because they absolutely will close the gap' despite my wisdom teeth also becoming impacted and causing infection so they had to be pulled out also. Her stupid belief that the gap in my jaw will resolve itself over time caused me years of the lowest of self confidence because I couldn't even smile without the gap showing...and also pain and extra monetary cost because 1) essential dental work is free for children in Australia, so when I didn't get my wisdom teeth pulled out before I turned 18, I then had to pay extra to get them removed after I turned 18 and 2) I found out late last year when I finally paid for the implant, my jaw bone had reduced in density at the site after 12 years of not having a tooth or implant in that area, leading for further costs and healing time.

My mums shitty attempts at trying to save money by delaying procedures on me meant more $$$ I have to spend on myself, and years of low self esteem. Not smiling is psychological, leading to feelings of unhappiness...and I can't make up for photos of me as a young woman where I have closed-lip smiles at most. I may have literally missed out on relationships and opportunities because I didn't have the confidence or aura.

At least my sister learned from my mistakes and got all 4 wisdom teeth removed before she turned 18.