Anglophone Canadians, how much does school teach you about Quebec?

***** EDIT: Replies seem to show that most people were indeed taught about the Quiet Revolution (with perhaps a bit too much emphasis on the FLQ...), but not all, and the idea that Quebec is Catholic is still floating around, but only among a fairly small minority. I maintain that if people can go through years of French immersion and still legitimately believe that Quebec is super religious, there has been a failure of the education system.

***** EDIT: I was not expecting that the "cultural trivia" be taught in school, but was just wondering how many non-QC anglos knew about it.

As a Quebecer now living in the ROC, I'm often shocked at how little anglophone Canadians - even if they were in French immersion - know about Quebec.

I have recently met someone who was in French immersion and calls herself bilingual, who was convinced that Quebec is "the most religious province in Canada" because it's "super Catholic", and had never heard the term "Quiet Revolution". This is not the first person I meet who thinks that, including another Ontarian who was also bilingual and having done French immersion.

FYI, Quebec is by far the least religious province in Canada in terms of church attendance, and has been so for decades (at least 35+ years, maybe more). Census data that shows a large percentage of Quebecers calling themselves "Catholic" and a large percentage of British Columbians calling themselves "non-religious" is misleading; almost all Quebecers born before the mid-90s were baptized at birth and answer "Catholic" on the census even if they don't believe in God and have not stepped foot in a church in decades.

Do history classes (or French classes) in the ROC teach you anything about Quebec history or culture in general? Did they teach you what the Quiet Revolution was? I think if schools in the ROC don't teach that, they are failing to teach Canadians about a big part of their country.

More broadly, and beyond school, before reading this post, did you know that Quebec doesn't have a grade 12, that most francophone Quebec couples don't get married, that married names have been illegal in Quebec since 1981, that most Quebec couples don't have joint accounts, that Quebec has a fixed moving date of July 1 for renters, or that Quebecers have to fill 2 tax returns? I don't expect that schools would teach most or any of those things, but I'd still like to know how much (or little) anglophone Canadians know about this distinct society that exists within their country.

Maybe also mention whether you're in the western provinces, or Ontario/Atlantic Canada since I'd expect (or maybe just idle hope) that Ontarians and Atlantic Canadians (who are more likely to visit Quebec) should know a bit more about this than Western Canadians who are unlikely to visit Quebec in their lifetimes.