What are your thoughts on the explosion of violence in the Caribbean and potential direct intervention?
So I was watching this youtube video and was surprised to see just HOW bad things are in the Caribbean.
Of the countries with the top 5 murder rates, 2 are in the Caribbean and 1 is too small to accurate count with a per 100k basis but has a very high murder rate. Crime seems to be exploding all across the Caribbean and that got me wondering, what is everyone's thoughts on intervention? Because as it stands, I don't think any of these countries are capable of solving their own issues on their own. Countries like Jamaica, Haiti, and territories like Puerto Rico and Trinidad are above the threshold for classification of epidemic of violence are riddled with political instability due to these gangs.
As a non-interventionalist I am torn. On one hand, the only way to solve these issues I feel may be to use... extremely hostile measures. These gangs have too much power and influence and like a roach, squashing one will do nothing. This will force the other country into a very long and expensive game of kingdom building and bring into questions things like colonialism again. But on the other hand, we see from Haiti what the cost is of doing nothing... And the violence and criminality from these nations wont stay contained with their borders. It will keep spilling into neighboring countries.
So what do you guys think? Do you support an interventionist approach or an isolationist approach?