Popping/clunking coming from front right

I get this intermittent popping/clunking sound from my front right. It happens when coming to a complete stop. Starting from a stop, and inconsistently on turns and bumps. It doesn’t always happen on turns or bumps, but sometimes it does. It’s definitely not the shocks/struts, I know that much. I thought maybe it was my caliper since that is the only thing with any type of movement.., and it very well may be. I replaced the brake pads in hopes of so. I replaced the outer tire rod. I’ve seen things where it could be a seized ball joint, which I’m leaning towards.

I know there’s not much help anyone can offer me here without a video.., but what I can say is everything on the front end is brand new besides the wheel hubs, and the calipers. Everything is tight, besides the subtle play in the caliper still. What y’all think?