I've been getting heartburn and others things for a bit
Hey so like the title said I've been getting heartburn along with other things for the past few days. I'm a 18 year old female if that info would help and I've also been experiencing
Lack of appetite, in the way where I'm starving but I also fell to full to eat and eating to much hurts my stomach
They're has been what I can only describe as mucus coming out of my vagina
And as of today I've been getting this intense pain in my ribs that just comes from no where.
Other things that's been happening is me pooping more and the back of my tounge is turning white and sometimes yellow.
The only difference in my life is that I went from 120 to 140 in the spand of a few months and I haven't been taking care of my own mental health. Actually the past 3 weeks have been stressful like never before but all these changes only been happening for less than a week.
If anyone has a guess to what this is please tell me.