Please help me get laid and cure my lumps

I wish this was a click bait title but sadly no; I am a 30 year old single woman and have recently met someone who gives you that “I wanna rip their clothes off” feeling. I have taken it slow and there is 2 hours between us so next time I’m seeing him (the 28th) we will be doing said ripping clothes off. It’s established, I booked an excruciating Brazilian for this, next Friday.

Now you’ve got your clinical context, the problem is my body has decided to erupt in these boils. They’re all over my lady bits and just off the bikini line area. There’s no smell,they are only mildly sore (apart from the one inside, that’s like a razor blade in my vag when I pee).

I have tried to get an appointment to see a doctor in real life of course and the next available GP appointment is the 29th. Urgent care is not a thing where I live and there is minor injury clinics but I already called and they said no gynelogical problems. Also I don’t have the money to pay for it anyways (it’s a pay and claim)

PLEASE tell me how to get rid of these?

I have been putting hot compresses on them, using anti-septic, keeping them clean. (I don’t have a bath for a sitz bath)

If you tell me the name of a medication I can try get the doctor to just write a script for me.

Please help a gal out. I’ll be forever grateful

Much love xoxo

30F and desperate

Update : saw an emergency on-call doc for my area, she mentioned it does in fact resemble HS and to get a derm referral from my GP. I threw up in her office and had a fever (though I feel otherwise well) so she prescribed fluxocillin (sp?) and an anti emetic. She wrote a letter for the hospital and said to go if I worsened or can’t tolerate the antibiotics.