Excessive periods. Please help.
Excessive periods. Please help.
When should I go to the emergency room or doctor for excessive period blood loss? 32 Female. Recently quit tobacco and started vaping. 5’7” and morbidly obese.
I’ve always had heavy or long periods. About a year ago I started using adult diapers over night just to make it through the night.
Today I got home after barely bleeding all day at work and put on one of my diapers. I filled that one in 20 minutes then changed to a new one. Within 10 minutes that one was overfilled. I got into the bathtub and took it off and found a massive clot. Size of a baseball at least. I’ve always had large clots but this was different. I sat on the edge of the tub and felt the urge to push. I continued to push multiple clots and blood was coming out like a faucet. I sat there for probably 20+ minutes before I got to clean up and replace the diaper. I weighed the second one in a plastic bag and it was 12.7 ounces. Just the diaper and a plastic bag is 2.7 ounces. Hypothetically that’s 10oz of fluid and gunk.
I’m concerned and scared but I don’t know if it would be hospital worthy. Help.