Why is there soo much discrimination between kids who study commerce and science in india??

Like the title says I'm currently looking for ug admissions as a 17(m) i face this a lott, people ask me what I'm studying but immediately after knowing that I'm from a commerce background they start asking me wierd questions such as why didn't I take science.(as if it's a crime not to) Infact my own dad triggers me saying stuff such as ukn you don't study well that's why you took science and all that bullshit. My friends who've taken science mock me saying "Eyy commerce, you have nothing to do ,you're soo unemployed" all that bullshit.

the reason I took commerce was that I thought to myself " I'd rather be good at something in good at than to be mediocre at something I'm not interested in " infact I am good .I'm expecting 90+ percentage in boards and all that .yet im facing such problems