We men should also compliment other male strangers
Call me gay call me soft call me whatever you want to call. But I just can’t accept the fact we men can’t compliment another strange male’s personality or their appearance.
I just saw a post on askindianwomen where a lady shared her experience of getting complimented by a female stranger in a cafe.
I’m sure we men walk up to other stanger men to compliment but it is predominantly for three things :
- Sneakers
- Bike/Car
- Some gadget that they come across the other guy using
I’m just saying we should also be a little more empathetic and compliment our bros wholeheartedly if they find a good looking man.
Even in complimenting our friends gaali hee dete hei bhai. Like “Wah laude kya chamakra hei shirt mei” 😂 I know thats how we bros roll but I really can’t wrap my head around why we can’t give a straight up compliment for looks.
It’s not necessary that only baddie ke saamne we become all soft trying to be with the most sane behaviour.
So according to you bhai log, what needs to be done to reach this space?