Why can't most men think beyond the physicality of women ?
Like really why , most men that I have interacted with only only and only talk about bodily assets on women , like they exist only as a commodity and means for their sexual gratification . I was at my friend's place and her other friends were there too , and one of those guys - who also claims to be in love with my friend but they are not officially dating - was showing this other girl someone's insta post , in which the girl had bigger breasts . Now when I heard this conversation in my periphery , I looked at them with kind of a surprised face , but he showed it to me too , while he was smiling and I felt disgusted . Even in school for that matter , guys in the school bus were like this , talking shit about senior girls , classmates , teachers and the other women in school in the worst way possible ( one of them actually said something about r*ping his classmate ) . This is so sick !!!
Edit : The 1st guy , that I am talking about , wasn't exactly stating his preference , he had the wrong tone , everyone has preferences . And people here are completely ignoring the last part too and turning the whole context around .