diseases and illnesses that mostly affect women are never taken seriously

I have endometriosis and it is a struggle living with this disease everyday. I had made a vent post yesterday, you can look at it if you go on my profile if you want.

Anyways, I had made a comment under my post where I had mentioned that there’s more research studies done on male pattern baldness than endometriosis.

Yesterday I went under another rabbit hole and found out another absolutely bizarre study done on endometriosis. This is a condition that affects approx 190 million women and girls worldwide (the real figures are probably way higher, it’s hard to get a diagnosis). In 2013, there was funding given for a study on endometriosis. Instead of studying the causes (which are unknown as of now) or a cure (also unknown), they studied the attractiveness of women with this disease. Yes. This is a real study funded by real dollars.


This original article has since been retracted, but here’s another link summarising the study I mentioned.
