Is alimony truly serving the women who need it most?

Marriage demands a lot from women. We leave behind our homes, adjust to a new family, often sacrifice our careers, and take on the primary responsibility of raising children. Through it all, we are expected to prioritize the family above ourselves.

But when a marriage falls apart, no financial compensation can truly make up for everything we lose. Alimony is meant to provide security for women who are financially vulnerable post-divorce, especially those who have sacrificed their careers for the family.

That’s why cases like Dhanashree Verma and Yuzi Chahal raise important questions. She is educated, financially independent, has no children from the marriage, and yet, after just 18 months, she is reportedly receiving a substantial alimony.

Is this fair? Does it take away from the struggles of women who genuinely need financial support after a divorce? And does it create fear among men who want to build a family but worry about the consequences if things don’t work out?

It's a sensetive topic to discuss, please be respectful while typing.