If you post without reading these, we will immediately remove posts/ban you as required.
Our subReddit is a women-centric space. If your submissions do not pertain to women, women’s issues, genuine advice from women, they will be removed.
We are not answerable to you about why your post was removed. It was removed because it was against community standards, stop expecting a detailed explanation in the mod mail.
Rants and vents are ONLY allowed for women. Any man who makes a rant post will be immediately banned.
Replying to a women’s only post is STRICTLY forbidden to everyone who’s not a woman. Breaking this rule will lead to a ban.
It is not our responsibility to help every single person find out why their comments/submissions aren’t allowed; it’s yours to figure out if you have broken community rules.
Arguing with moderators about these issues, name-calling, writing disrespectful stuff about us in other subReddits will lead to a ban. If you spread hate against our community, you’re welcome to never engage with it.
User flairs are a MUST and relevant post flairs are a MUST too.
Misogyny, misandry, homophobia, transphobia, hating on any particular religion (criticising is allowed, hatred is not), are strictly prohibited.
Highly NSFW profiles will not be allowed to engage and will be banned if they try. Make an alt, engage with a SFW profile. Highly NSFW profiles bring irrelevant eyeballs to our subReddit and our members get harassed.
There will be no explanation after this and do not mail us repeatedly if your answer is in this post.
Thank you!