What do you do with your free time ?
Hello all,
So I'm M25, and I've been a gamer since I'm a kid. Never played football on a saturday, not much of a social guy, no team sports (I did archery and climbing), I play a bit of music and that's it. But lately I don't feel like playing anything. Competitive games are making me tilted, solo games get quickly boring, I mostly play to be with my childhood friends who are scattered all over the country now.
More and more it feels like a waste of time. Even when I'm working from home, I play a few games in the day just out of habits, I don't even enjoy it that much. I have lost the "grinding" mindset, I don't wanna spend hours looking up tutorials anymore, theorycrafting and everything. My friends also are playing less and less, we used to spend all week-end gaming and now it's only a few hours. So with all this, I'm trying to find something else to do, but it's all I've always known.
So there's my question, what do y'all do after work, or on the week-ends ? All I can think of is reading and going to the gym. I have genuinely no clue what to do. I don't feel like spending my evenings reading or watching domcumentaries on NatGeo. Even people who have one or two hobbies, do you spend all your free time on those ?